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Feedback plugin moosocial

Feedback Plugin


Live Demo

Product Description

Hearing customers’ feedback is awesome, especially on issues which matter to them most such as usability issues, needed improvements, and potential new features. It allows you to gain valuable insights into customer’s needs and wants. To keep customers happy and engage, you need to understand them. It is always better off knowing more. If you know what’s putting people off, you can change it. If you know what people love, you can give them more of it. You need all the customer feedback you can get.

Mobile App Support: Yes
Product Version and Compatibility:
– 1.0 for mooSocial 2.3.1 to 2.4.0
– 1.1 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
– 1.2 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
– 1.3 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
– 1.4 for mooSocial 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
– 1.5 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.6 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.7 for mooSocial 3.0.2 to 3.1.3
– 1.8 for mooSocial 3.1.2 to 3.1.4
– 1.9 for mooSocial 3.1.5+
– 2.0 for mooSocial 3.1.6+
– 2.1 for mooSocial 3.1.6+
– 2.2 for mooSocial 3.1.8+
Product news and discussion:     click here

Plugin Features:
+ Browsing filters: All Feedback, My Feedback and Friends’ Feedback.
+ Keyword search capability.
+ Integrate with mooSocial’s search, tag and hashtag.
+ Category supported.
+ User can Create, Edit, Delete, Report.
+ Privacy settings
+ Tag capability.
+ Vote/Unvote
+ Comment, like, dislike.
+ Statistics for Views, Comments, Like, Dislike
+ Multi-Language capability.
+ Responsive web capability.


Useful widgets:
++ Most Voted Feedback


+ Feedback Manager: Admin can view, edit, delete, publish, set status and feature all feedback.
++ Set “featured”
++ Publish/Approve

++ Search by Title

+ Category: Admin can create and manage categories.

+ Severity: Admin can create and manage severity level.

+ Status: Admin can create and manage status.

+ Block User: Admin can create and manage user block list.

+ Block IP Address: Admin can create and manage IP Address block list.

+ Statistic: Admin can view simple statistic of plugin

+ Settings:
++ Enable/ Disable Feedback plugin
++ Enable button on desktop
++ Enable  button on mobile
++ Customize button position (left or right side)
++ Customize button color
++ Customize button hover color
++ Customize button text color
++ Customize button text hover color
++ Feedback per pages
++ Maximum feedback user can create
++ How many minutes should a user wait before they can submit another feedback?
++ Enable Hashtag
++ Send mail to emails
++ Enable captcha

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2
+ Integrated with Censord word plugin

+ Fixed: still show feedback items on the hashtag search result although plugin is disabled
+ Improved: will show Create New Feedback button if user doesn’t have permission

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.6+
+ Improved – Layout for share function.

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.5+
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.5


+ New: Add feedback into home and profile page
+ New: Not approved member can’t create a new feedback
+ New: Apply ‘Date time’ format of mooSocial to plugin
+ Fixed : show duplicate “No more results found”
+ Fixed: Show error when user searches “doesn’t ” text on global search
+ Fixed: Duplicated offline page on Offline mode
+ Fixed: Coding logic


+ On admincp support admin setting enable/disable display activity feed when user post a feed back
+ Allow user share feedback
+ Support multi languages for attributes of feedback (Category, Severity, Status)
+ Compatible with 3.0.2
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.2


+ Fixed activity feed issue. New update does not appear if the feedback is auto approved after posting.

+ Support php7
+ Support Amazon S3
+ Check XSS issue
+ By pass force login
+ When user create a feedback, display a feed on activity

+ Compatible with 2.5.x

+ Fix some bugs
+ Support IOS and Android app


+ Fix  incorrect Feedback detail link for most voted widget
+ Fix click on Feedback button redirecting to a blank page when turn on force login setting

+ Compatible with 2.4.x


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