We’re so excited to announce mooSocial 3.1.0 is now released and available to download at client area. This release adds a lot of major improvements and addresses many found issues. Please check here for full detailed of improvements and bug fixes included in this version.
Below are importance notes for the new versions:
+ All of paid plugins are compatible with 3.1.0 version. For GIF comment plugin and Business plugin, please download latest version to upgrade them after upgrading to 3.1 version.
+ Mobile apps: this version requires app 1.2+ version. If you upgraded web to 3.1.0 version the apps will work well but some new improvements like reply to comment, pin post, close comment …will be not available on apps. We’re updating our apps now and will keep you posted.
+ If you’re using custom theme or paid theme or site has been customized. You should test it with new version at development site first before upgrading. The reply to comment feature option does not work well with paid theme. We will upgrade all themes and will keep you guy posted.
+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.
We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.
mooSocial Team