We proudly announce the release of mooApp version 1.8 with new features and improvements.
Main updates in this version:
- Convert from React-JS to React-Native to make the app smoother and faster than previous version
- The menu of the apps now can enable/disable in the admin dashboard.
- Layout improvements to make it looks more professional and modern than the old version
- Check the screenshots and demo links below for more details
IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mootravel/id1118809277?mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moosocial.travel
Importance notes:
mooApp 1.8 is available to download in client area here
mooApp and API plugin have been changed, you need to upgrade these two plugins before upgrading the apps. These two plugins can be found in app source code new package.
All mobile supported plugins (https://moosocial.com/product-category/app-supported/) are compatible with 1.8 version except for the following:
– Profile Completeness
– Chat
– SMS verified plugin
– Ad plugin
– Feedlist
We will upgrade them soon.
DO NOT upgrade your api, mooapp plugin and app until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.
We do provide app republishing service, if you’re interested, please purchase here https://moosocial.com/product/re-publishing-service-for-both-apps/
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Coupon code: lunarnewyear23, Expire on 31 jan, 2023
mooSocial Team