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Virtual Gift

Virtual Gifts Plugin


Live Demo

Product Description

Monetize your Social Network! Reward your members for posting social media content and interaction with each others though the Credit Plugins. Then users can also spend their credit via Virtual Gifts addons which allows them to send Virtual Gifts to friends on Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas… to engage in social interaction.  Gifts can be free or priced by points and not only a photo, but also a video or even a music.

Mobile App Support: Yes
Product Version and Compatibility:
– 1.0 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
– 1.1 for mooSocial 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
– 1.3 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.31 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.4 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.5 for mooSocial 3.1.0 to 3.1.4
– 1.6 for mooSocial  3.1.5+
– 1.7 for mooSocial  3.1.8+
Product News and Discussion:      click here

Recommended plugin: Credits plugin

Main Features: 

+ All Gifts. It is widgetized page where you can browse gifts.
+ My Gifts: Contains list of gifts sent/created by you or received from your friends.
+ Categories: Gifts can be categorized like: Birthday gifts, Love gifts, etc. It makes easy to browse and find exact gifts for your members.
+ Gift details: can view how the gift looks and can customize to send it to friend. Member can see number of views and number of members sent it to friend so far.
+ Send Gifts. Gift can be sent in two ways: customize from existing gifts added by Site admin or create your own gift. Gift can be in three formats: photo, audio and Video.
+ Preview Gift: Can preview gift before sending to friend.
+ Credits: Admin can configure the price in credit of all gifts and gift types in admincp. If the price in credit is Free -> No credit plugin is required to run the plugin.
+ Personal Gifts. It allows to send personal gifts: like own video, photo and music. It is much interesting and funny. The process is:
– Select type of Gift: Photo, Audio or Video;
– Upload the Gift;
– Select a Friend and send it;

Please note, that Video-Gifts requires FFMPEG module to convert videos, it is usually pre-installed in most of servers. If it is missing then you can request your hosting provider to set up FFMPEG for your site.

+ Widget: popular gifts

Admin Features:

+ Manage categories: You can create a new category, edit and delete existing gifts category.
+ Gifts Management: It allows you to browse gifts, search them by title, enable/disable or edit gift details.
+ Create Gifts: You can create photo, audio or video gift, with title, price in credits or free.
+ Settings: Items per page, Photo gift price in credits, Audio gift price in credits, Video gift price in credits, Path to FFMPEG, Popular items per page
+ Credits integration: Select yes if you’re allowed members to use credit to send gift to friends. If this option is NO, you can only create free gifts.
+ User role settings: can send gift, can send photo gift, can send video gift, can send audio gift.
+ Pages in Layout editor
+ Multi language



+ Support mobi apps
+ Added explaination text into “credit settings” page and “Action types and credits” page
+ Fix some found bugs from client.
+ Support 2.5.0

+ Support php7
+ Support Amazon S3
+ Check XSS issue
+ By pass force login



+ Fix found bugs from clients


+ Compatible with 3.0.2
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.2


+ Addedsend gift button to member profile
+ Applied ‘Import Categories’ feature
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.3 + mooSocial 3.1.2
+ Fixed bugs: hide plugin on searched result with no items, special char on moo 3.1.2

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.5+
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.5
+ Integrated Gifts plugin with credit
+ Improved: layout on Android app
+ Fixed: showing thumbnail issue

+ Improved: Show Create New Gift button if user doesn’t have permission.
+ Improved: Send gift button on profile
+ Added: new option in Settings page: Receiver
+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2

Screenshot at Aug 26 17-49-24 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-49-55 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-50-12 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-50-36 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-51-03 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-54-36 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-54-47 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-55-02 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-55-15 Screenshot at Aug 26 17-55-31

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