This minor release addresses some issues that were reported by clients in mooCommunity and also that our staffs found during testing plugins. We’ve also included some minor improvements to current features.
Improvements Made:
1. Added mulitple profile types options: Profile types allows you to have different sets of Profile Questions depending on which Profile Type is chosen upon signup. One example of a situation where this would be useful is if you had a network for “Fan” and “Musicians”. “Fans” might have a “First Name” and a “Last Name” but you might want “Musicians” to fill out a “Band/Artist Name” instead.
2. Added “force login” option into all core modules.
3. Added “Export to CSV” button into user manager page. You can export all your members into csv format and then import theme into other systems such as email markting tool….for other purposes.
4. Now, you can translate the lable of custom fields.
5. Added sort option for custom fields so that you can sort them follow your needs.
6. Added option to hide invite friends into system setting. This is useful setting if you want to setup a closed/invite only social network.
7. Added option for admin to create new user in admincp.
8. Removed all group and event feeds out of home page feed and profile feed. You only can see updates from joined events and groups
9. Redirect user to home page after block a user.
10. Tested amazon s3 and php7 for all default plugins.
Fixed Issues:
1. Show warning and cannot direct to PayPal gateway when input empty line to Ban IP field.
2. Google plus and FB icons are disappeared after finishing transferring to S3.
3. Attached images are disappeared when uploading on S3.
4. Show error when go to Social Integration with S3 .
5. If S3 is enable, thumbnail image are missing if users do global search.
6. Multi checkbox custom field issue.
7. Paypal Adaptive does not working on real mode becuase api has been changed.
8. Site does not working well if Turkey language is set as default.
9.Root admin can delete all users include his own account.
10. Create new setting on development mode does not work.
11. Merge patch file from social publisher plugin to moosocial core.
12. Date time can’t translate to Czeche.
13. Get “Incorrect datetime value: ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00′ for column ‘created’ at row 1″ when installed moosocial on godaddy and some hosting providers.
14. Force login issue: Can go to see comment detail of a site is set forced login from google search link.
15. Can’t install mooSocial on hosting that sql mode is on.
16. Can’t share a link if member do not enter status update.
17. Display error Deprecated (16384) at theme setting When set site to development mode 1 or 2
Please Note:
+ Some plugins are being worked on to make them compatible with mooSocial 2.6.x (S3 and php7 feature). This process will take about a few more weeks to complete. Therefore, if you are using any add-ons, please make sure you do not switch your server to php7 and enable s3 after upgrading your site to this new version until all of them are fully tested with s3 and php7.
+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.
We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.
mooSocial Team
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