It’s time for another update on the upcoming version (2.2.1) of our beloved social network software – mooSocial . Version 2.2.1 is currently in Quality Control stage at the moment and is expected to be released very soon. It is another major release and not a minor as some might have thought. Beside including Membership Subscription component mentioned in earlier post, mooSocial 2.2.1 will also come with many other new features and enhancements worth mentioning.
Side Notes: Consider supporting and investing in mooSocial if you are interested in owning a license; like what we are doing; and see our commitment to make mooSocial one of the best Social Network software. Act now because you will still receive free “full fledge” updates for the next 12 months. Renewing your update subscription is also only a minimal cost. As more and more features are added, we might not able to keep mooSocial at the current price for much longer.
Thank you for reading the Side Notes . Let’s go back to the main subject. mooSocial 2.2.1 will include 2 additional Themes, Hashtag (#) feature, User Tag, AJAX Lightbox for photo viewing and a lot more… Here is the full list for version 2.2.0:
- Membership Subscription
- Payment Gateway (Paypal Adaptive Payments)
- Light Theme
- Dark Theme
- Hashtag (#hashtag) component
- User Tag component
- Theater Mode – AJAX Lightbox Viewer
- Word Cloud style for Tag Widget
- Order by setting for Tag widget – Newest, Popular, Random
- Event Listing layout
- Newsfeed Item – Join Group
- Newsfeed Item – New Event
- Newsfeed Item – Friends with
- Refactoring all widgets
- Display widget’s title in default language
- Warning message during Upgrade
- Counter Cache for Photos, Events, Video and Groups
- Add counter for Photo upload item on Newsfeed
- Attend Event item on Newsfeed
- Suggestion text for uploading profile avatar and cover picture
- Join Group item on Newsfeed
- Group Improvement
Bug Fixes:
- Translation link in widgets
- Permission selection for menu item
- Fiends Counter on User’s menu
- Show more/less
- HttpSocket doesn’t look at SSL certificate CN alternatives
- Cross Site Scripting issue
- Landing page notification
- “Invalid Security Code” during SignUp
- “User join site” feed item with Auto-friend enabled
- Drop down menu for iPad’s horizontal view
- Delete groups action deletes non-group videos and topics
- Unable to delete group in Group Manager
- Upload Avatar field for Signup widget
- Invite to join group via email
- Internal Error when deleting items or users in Admin Dashboard
- Default Home Feed setting
- Share URL auto converts from http to https when in SSL mode
- Edit link in Menu Manager
- Auto set new album cover when cover photo is deleted
- Add requester’s profile url to friend request email template
- Video counter in Group
- Video listing with privacy
- Permission setting in Menu Manager
mooSocial 2.2.1 is expected to be available any days now. A Big Thanks our mooSocial Team as they are currently working every hard to bring another major update to mooSocial in a short amount to time. Again, please show your support by owning a license now and by letting us know if you have any suggestions and improvement you would like to see in our upcoming versions.
Thank you for your time and support!
Ryan Nguyen
mooSocial Team
mooSocial Team