We are glad to announce the release of mooSocial version 3.0.1. This new version brings several new exciting improvements to mooSocial. Speed Optimization is one of the focus. News Feed will load much faster than before. An extensive library of Application Programing Interface (API) is now included. This allows a faster and easier way to integrate other applications with mooSocial. Utilizing APIs, allows our new Social Mobile Apps (1.2) to streamline is data access thus tremendous speed improvement. Full list of improvement is listed below:
Demo link: https://travel.moosocial.com/
– Speed Optimization
– API Library. Full list can be viewed here: https://travel.moosocial.com/api/document
– Mobile Apps (1.2) Integration
– Friend Limit set to 5000
– Remove setting “Auto disable accounts that do not match above min age restriction or has reached max age restriction (?)”
– Bugs Fix
+ For upgrading, please make sure all add-ons (themes and plugins) are compatible with mooSocial 3.0.1 before upgrading.
+ If you are using Mobile Apps, they need to be at version 1.2 to work well with 3.0.1. Please contact us if you need to upgrade your current Mobile Apps.
+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.
We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.
mooSocial Team