Job Posting

Job Manager Plugin


Live Demo

Product Description

Job Manager is a plugin for adding job-board functionality to your mooSocial based niche social network site.  It provides features/tools that you can find on most of professional employment websites from posting job to resumes collection and then manage your organization’s hiring processes. Furthermore, It also provides tools for Company Representatives to create company profile, post and share jobs to members under that company profile. Members can apply for a job, follow or favorite a company.

Mobile App Support: Yes (Support view mode only)
Product Version and Compatibility:
– 1.0 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
– 1.1 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
– 1.2 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.6.0
– 1.3 for mooSocial 2.4.0 to 2.6.0
– 1.4 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.5 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.6 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.0.2
– 1.7 for mooSocial 3.0.2 to 3.1.2
– 1.7.1 for mooSocial 3.1.3
– 1.7.2 for mooSocial 3.1.4
– 1.8 for mooSocial 3.1.5
– 1.9 for mooSocial 3.1.6+
– 2.0 for mooSocial 3.1.8

Recommendation theme: mooX Job

Product news and Discussion:      click here


  • Job home page: featured jobs, sponsored companies, list of newest jobs, featured jobs are always appear on top of the list, search box and job alert box.
  • All jobs:  shows active jobs posted by all companies, featured jobs are on top and then newest jobs.
  • My jobs: Jobs posted by members and applied jobs.
  • My companies: companies posted by members.
  • All companies: list of all companies.
  • Create a new job: need to have a company before posting a new job.
  • Create a new company.
  • My followed companies: member can follow company to get notification when the following company posts a new job.
  • Job Detail Page: Job details, apply form for member to apply to the job, features/tools for employer to manage candidates such as: list of candidates, send  message to candidate, delete candidates.  Employer can also purchase more featured days for his job at job details page or upgrade jobs to better package. Member can like, share, leave a comment….
  • Company detail Page: company details, list of posted active jobs, list of candidates and  list of followers…..
  • Search Jobs: can search with various options such as keyword, company, industry, job type, salary, location and distance….
  • Job alert box:  allows member to fill in matching criteria to get email notification when a matched job is posted. Member can un-subscribe.
  • Widgets: featured jobs, Sponsored companies, related jobs, jobs tag cloud, newest jobs, job alerts and jobs search.
  • Integrated to global search system.
  • Member applied to the job  -> notification will to job owner.
  • Company posted a new job -> notification will send to followers
  • Check out full features at demo link above.


  • Manage jobs (make featured manually, approve, delete….. ).
  • Manage Companies  (make sponsored manually, approve, delete, edit…)
  • Plugin settings: configure google map api, auto approve mode, featured job price, sponsored company price, Hashtag enable/disable, job expired reminder email setting, items per page….
  • Manage industries, job levels and job types.
  • Manage job posting packages (package name, description, price, valid period). If member purchase a package that only valid in 1 month -> the job only appear 1 month in job listing/widgets), reminder will send before expired date.
  • Manage transactions.
  • User role settings: can view job, can post job…
  • Layout editor: Job home page, job details and browse jobs page.
  • Multi language supported
  • See screenshots for more details.

Change log for 2.0

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.1

Change log for 1.9

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.6+
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.6
+ Fixed – Job map issue with mooSocial 3.1.6

Change log for 1.8

+ Changed Industry field to combo box instead of suggestion.
+ Support post job on apps
+ Apply Date time format of mooSocial to plugin
+ Fix Security issue
+ Special Char issue on plugin
+ Apply new share on app 1.3 to plugin
+ Compatible with 3.1.5
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.5

Change log for 1.7.2

+ Fixed: Security issue – can add data for any users when edit item
+ Fixed: XSS issue

Change log for 1.7.1

+ Integrate with Openstreetmap

Change log for 1.7:

+ Compatible with 3.0.2
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.2

Change log for 1.6:

+ Fixed some layout bugs

Change log for 1.5:

+ Fixed Job Alert and Search don’t show on mobile view.
+ Fixed some bugs
+ Fixed Industry Management

Change log for 1.4:

+ Compatible with  php7
+ Compatible with  Amazon S3
+ Fixed XSS issues
+ added By pass force login option into setting page.


Change log for 1.3:

+ Fixed some bugs
+ Integrated with moo24x-Resume-1.0 and moo25x-Resume-1.0

Change log for 1.2:

+ Fixed some bugs
+ Fixed detect location latitude,longitude when user doesn’t use autocomplete
+ Support moosocial version 2.5.0

Change log for 1.1:

+ Integrated with Moo-IndeedJob-1.0
+ Member can contact employer via contact form to send email directly to employer
+ Credit Payment gateway integration
+ Support Apps (Android + IOS)

backend_transaction backend_job_package backend_job_level backend_job_type backend_industry backend_jobsetting backend_companies backend_jobs    Screenshot at Jun 30 11-54-42 Screenshot at Jun 30 11-54-30 Screenshot at Jun 30 11-54-14   Screenshot at Jun 30 18-12-16 Screenshot at Jun 30 18-11-00 Screenshot at Jun 30 18-10-36

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