Hello all,
Over the past two months, our team has been hard at work upgrading most of our plugins to make them compatible with mobile apps latest version. With a lot of improvements made on apps, script and plugins. The moosoical script, plugins and mobile apps are now much more faster than before. You can check out demo of our apps, scripts and all of plugins at this link http://addons.moosocial.com/
I’m excited to announce mooSocial 3.02 and apps (Android and IOS) version 1.21 are now released and available to download at client area. Most of our paid plugin are also compatible with latest version. Please check the home page of mooCommmunity to get updates about the release of the plugins. Below are importance notes for the new versions:
Changes in mooSocial 3.02
+ Fixed “recently joined” block cache issue. User is deleted but it’s not auto delete at “Recently joined”
+ Fixed “global seach issue”, full name of member matches with entered keyword but can’t be found.
+ ‘Page Not Found’ page does not appear correctly when site is at production mode
+ Integrated patch deleting-user-account-by-the-user-himself. See more details here https://moosocial.com/gdpr-compatible-patch-release/ . If you used 3.02, do not need to install this patch because it’s integrated by default.
+ Remove video link from text editor
+ Allow user to delete account/downoad a copy of data if membership is expired. In the previous version, member can’t do anything if the subscribed membership package is expired.
+ Daily and bulk email optimization – send to active members only.
+ Modified unsubscribe link inside email. Now member can click on “unsubscribed” link at email footer to unsubscribe without logging into site. If member is not member, he also can unbsubscribe.
+ Improve the warning message that appear when site has error or member does not have permission to access a feature. See screenshots below for more details
– If site has unknow error, it will show message like this http://prntscr.com/k11zlu
– If memember does not have permission to access a feature, it will show message like this http://prntscr.com/k11zrw
+ Fixed found bugs when upgrading plugins to make them compatible with app 1.2
Changes in mobile apps 1.21:
+ Include all features form 1.2 that you can see here https://community.moosocial.com/topics/view/1876/new-release-social-mobile-app-android-ios-1-2
+ Fixed found bugs when upgrading plugins to make them compatible with app 1.2
Importance Notes:
+ Most of addons are compatible except for: Classifieds Plugin, Feedback, Property Listings, Resume Plugin, MOOCHAT, Recipe. We’re still fixing bugs for these plugins.
+ The following plugins are compatible with with 1.1 but are not compatible with 1.21, we will make them compatible soon. PROFILE SPOTLIGHT, Gif Comment, Twitter & LinkedIn Social Login and Reactions
+ App version 1.21 REQUIREDS mooSocial 3.0.2 and plugins that compatible with app 1.2. So that if you upgraded to mooSocial 3.02, you have to upgrade apps and plugins. Do not install plugin that is only compatible with 3.02 into mooSocial lower version.
+ All themes are compatible with 3.02 by default.
+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.
We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.
mooSocial Team