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Grand Opening


Live Demo

Product Description

Grand Opening plugin is designed especially as a “Coming Soon” landing page for new communities. It is convenience when you could park your domain with an attractive landing page while being able to launch your social network in closed beta mode. Invite users to signup and test your site by giving them site’s access code while letting other visitors know when your site will be available publicly with the countdown timer. This plugin also includes an email subscribe option to allow visitors to subscribe for news and updates or to be invited as beta testers.

Mobile App Support: No
Product Version and Compatibility:
– 1.1 for mooSocial 2.3.1
– 1.2 for mooSocial 2.4.0 – 3.0.0
– 1.3 for mooSocial  3.0.0 to 3.1.2
– 1.31 for mooSocial  3.0.0+
Product news and Discussion:     click here 
Note: Use “moosocial” as the access code for Grand Opening demo. Clear your cookie or use a private browser if you want to see the Grand Opening landing page again after successfully gain access to website using access code. Otherwise, there will be a 5 minute wait before session to expire. 

Plugin Feature

  • Attractive Landing Page with many layout settings
  • Email Subscription Option
  • Site Access with “Access Code”
  • Editable Title and Description
  • Social Media links capable (fb, G+, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Responsive Web Capability
  • Settings:
    • Enable/ Disable Grand Opening
    • Enable / Disable Subscribe
    • Set Access Code
    • Set Header Title
    • Set Description
    • Set footer
    • Set fb link
    • Set Twitter link
    • Set LinkedIn link
    • Set Google+ link
    • Set Countdown Timer
    • Set Display Background type (Color or Image)
    • Set Background Color (Color)
    • Set Background Style (Color)
    • Set Background Image (Upload)
    • Set Background Pattern
  • Emails:
    • Subscribed Email Listing
    • Export CSV

+ Fix bug with https site
+ Fix bug with force login


+ Fix error issue in admin panel.

Screenshot at Nov 18 14-36-35landing-1admin

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