
Manage Packages


1. How to Create new Package

-Click on Create New Package button:


#Create New Package to begin.

-At Create New Package,


#Create New Package

  1. Name: Name of the Package, anything you want and just type in.
  2. Description: Description for the Package.
  3. User Role: Set User Role will be set after user purchased this Package
  4. Make Default Package: Check to make this Package as top plan & Default selection.
  5. Recommend Package: Check to make a Sticker 'Recommended' will be shown for this Package.



-Set Plans for the Package:


#The Plans setting

Plan Type:


#Plan Types

-One Time: This plan type allows users paying for their access follows your settings After One Time plan is on, you can see these settings are following up next: ae6e775f9309227f9be1192728f00d99.jpg#One Time settings

  1. Title: Set title for plan
  2. Price: Set price for this plan
  3. Plan Duration: Maximum duration for the plan, will be expired in the period of time set here, x Days, x Week, x Month, x Year and Forever.
  4. Expiration Reminder: x Days, x Week, x Month, x Year until expired to send renewal notification.
  5. Show at: input page you want to display.
  6. Enable Plan: Check to enable this plan.




  1. Title: Set title for plan
  2. Price: Set price for this plan
  3. Billing Cycle: Set duration for Billing Cycle, for Days, Week, Month, Year, user will be billed for the period of time specified in this field.
  4. Plan Duration: Maximum duration for the plan, will be expired in the period of time set here, x Days, x Week, x Month, x Year and Forever.
  5. Expiration Reminder: x Days, x Week, x Month, x Year until expired to send renewal notification.
  6. Show at: input page you want to display.
  7. Enable Plan: Check to enable this plan.

-Trial + Recurring and Trial + One Time:

Just like the Recurring and One Time, but gives you extra settings about Trial.


#Trial Settings

  1. Trial Price: Charge users on Trial duration, set this = 0 will make this a free trial.
  2. Trial Duration: Set maximum duration users can try for the plan.


2. Packages Management

How to Delete a package:

At Manager Package page, select on a package that you wanted to delete, Action Column/Edit button:


#Press on Edit button

At Package Editor, Scroll down to find Delete Package button


#Delete Package button

Edit, Set order, Enable/Disable:

While at Manage Packages page, you can set order for the packages, by entering numeric value at the Order Packages Column


#Example on Packages Order, I set for Test = 1st, Test 2 = 2nd.

Then we have


#We have Test = 1st, Test 2 = 2nd

While at Manage Packages page, you can disable/enable packages, take a look at Enable Column


#Simply just clicked on button marked in the image to Enable/Disable packages

admin_dashboard/system_admin/system_settings/manage_packages.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/24 01:12 (external edit)